
Client: Action Aid
- January 2025
- Somalia

Client: Plan International
- December 2024
- Somalia

Alternative Solutions conducted through mixed-method final evaluation for BHA project implemented by Agency for technical cooperation and development (Acted) in partnership Gargaar Relief and Development (GREDO), Marginalized Communities Advocacy Network (MCAN) and Social Life and Agricultural Development Organization (SADO) in Southwest and Jubaland of states of Somalia
Client: ACTED
- August 2024
- Somalia

Alternative Solutions Consulting conducted final evaluation for BHA funded project titled
“Improved Access to lifesaving Integrated Emergency Primary and Higher-Level Health Care, Nutrition, WASH and GBV prevention and response Services for the Disaster and drought affected IDPs and Other Vulnerable Populations in Somalia project”.
The project was implemented by International Medical Corps.
Client: IMC Somalia
- July-August 2024
- Somalia

Through Outcome harvesting approach, Alternative Solutions Consulting Conducted a final evaluation for Sool Peacebuilding. The Project which was co-funded by governments of Norway and Switzerland as implemented by Saferworld in partnership with Academy for Peace and Development (APD) and Somaliland Non-State Actors’ Forum (SONSAF). The project was implemented in Kalabaydh and Hudhun districts in Sool region from January 2022 to March 2024.
Client: Saferworld
- June 2024
- Somalia

Alternative Solutions Consulting Conducted a final evaluation for SOMJR 2022- 2023.The Final evaluation is purposed to assess the performance of the SOMJR and ensure accountability towards the Dutch Government and public, DRA and targeted population. And as well to document learning in project design and implementation and offer recommendations for replication for the next phase of SOMJR (2024-26).
Client: Oxfam Novib
- March 2024
- Somalia

Capacity-building Training to Four Women-led Civil Society Organization in Baidoa, Baraawe, Xudur and Berdale 2023
Alternative Solutions Consulting provided 50 days-long capacity-building training including preparation designing and facilitation training workshops on organizational development to four women-led civil society organizations namely Southwest Youth Vision (SWYV), Bay Women Association Network (BWAN), Bay Women Development Organization (BWDO) and Baraawe Women Empowerment & Development Organization (BWEDO) in Baidoa, Hudur, Baraawe and Bardale respectively.
The capacity-building training was aimed to address the main capacity gaps that were identified through initial Grassroot Organization Capacity Assessment (GOCA) that was conducted in July 2023.
The four women-led civil society organizations (4-WLCSOs) were participating in ‘Promoting women-led grassroots peacebuilding towards social reconciliation project in Somalia. A project named as ‘Nabad Project’ funded by United Nation Peacebuilding fund and implemented by Agency for Technical Development and Cooperation (ACTED) in partnership with two national organizations Taakulo and Social-life and Agriculture Organization (SADO).
Client: ACTED
- December 2023
- Somalia
Mid Term Review of Saferworld’s ARC Programme- Somalia
Alternative Solutions Consulting concluded a Mid Term Evaluation for ‘Restoring Stable Communities in Somalia (RSCS)’ project which falls under ‘Addressing Root Cause’ portfolio implemented in Somalia and South Sudan and funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of the Netherlands. In Somalia, RSCS was implemented in partnership with Somali Women Development Concern-SWDC (in Mogadishu), Somali Women Solidarity Organization- SWSO (in Kismaayo), and Isha Human Right Organization-IHRO (in Baidoa)
The purpose of the mid-term review was to assess the intended and unintended outcomes of the project and determine the level of the project’s contribution to the desired project outcomes through outcome harvesting
Client: Saferworld
- November 2019
- Somalia

Client: ACTED
- Somalia
Infant and Young Children Feeding-IYCF training for 40 Acted and SADO staff
ACTED engaged Alternative solutions (a private consulting firm that specialized in myriad of humanitarian and development services) to undertake three-days’ workshop facilitation for about forty staff members of ACTED/SADO, develop training materials and Information, Education and Communication (IEC) materials on IYCF and other important nutrition related information that will be used for mass communication at community level.
The training workshop intended to address the gaps and challenges that ACTED/SADO staff might face during implementation of community sensitization sessions and mass communication at community level